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“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”-Anais Nin

Photo by Lynn Mason Kellar

Photo by Lynn Mason-Kellar

Thank you for taking the time to review my information. I hope it is some use to you personally, and that it gives you an idea of who I am and how I work with people.

M. Scott Peck wrote the first line of The Road Less Traveled as “Life is Difficult.” This is how people come to confide in others. Trusted confidantes are of great help through our lives, as we are to them, however sometimes we can go deeper and accomplish more by having a private trusted source who is separate from our family or friends.

My intention is to provide people with a safe private environment where people can explore portions of their lives.  We hope to explore the areas each person needs together. People often are frustrated that they haven’t quite been able to solve a problem on their own.

Within a counseling partnership, we hope to develop a mutually agreed upon definition of the problems, and rebuild strength and health, along with a plan to help people feel better. I work collaboratively with people. At the same time I will tell you what I think. What matters most is what happens when you use your discoveries. Counseling is a creative approach for each individual. My aim to make our talks useful in your life. 


David Garrison, Ph.D.

    Available in Austin or anywhere in Texas via HIPAA compliant video conference

8500 Shoal Creek Blvd 

Building 4, Suite 114

Austin, Tx 78757


Texas Psychology license 22968



If you are in a serious immediate crisis, do not wait for a professional to call you back, instead call 911 or the 988 crisis line now.


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